6750 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90038

Click here for location map


Tuesday – Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm

Tel: 1 310 276 5424
Fax: 1 310 276 7430

6750 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90038

Click here for location map


Tuesday – Saturday, 10 am – 6 pm

Tel: 1 310 276 5424
Fax: 1 310 276 7430

Shaun Caley Regen, President
Claire Dougherty, Executive Assistant to the President


Jennifer Loh, Senior Director
Stephanie Dudzinski, Director
Magnus Edensvard, Director
Anthony Salvador, Director
Andy Cameron, Assistant to the Directors
Beatrice Petropoulos-White, Assistant to the Directors
Matthew Salazar, Assistant to the Directors


China Short, Director of Operations
Sara Haug, Executive Assistant, Operations

Grant Klarich Johnson, Director of Communications
Sebastian Zinn, Communications Assistant


Jose Luis G. Lopez, Photography and Media
Angel Alvarado, Assistant Archivist 

Tara Hadibrata, Chief Registrar
Lauren Skibiski, Registrar
Catherine Vu, Assistant Registrar


Patrick Foley, Chief Preparator
Jesse Jimenez, Preparator
Josh Villalobos, Preparator

Storm Bria-Rose Bookhard, Gallery Assistant
Julia Garrett, Gallery Assistant


Inquiries: office@regenprojects.com

Sales: sales@regenprojects.com

Press: press@regenprojects.com



Site by exhibit-E®