Regen Projects
629 North Almont Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90069
Tel. (310) 276-5424
Fax. (310) 276-7430

June 24 - July 29, 1995
Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 11:00 - 5:00

Regen Projects is pleased to announce an exhibition of new Wall Drawings by Sol LeWitt. The Wall Drawings on view will be black horizontal bands occupying the north, west, and south walls of the gallery space.

Sol LeWitt, as a pioneer conceptual artist, defined from his "Paragraphs on Conceptual Art" in 1967, "In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work. When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all of the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair." The first Wall Drawings were executed in late 1968, with the intention of making a work of art as two-dimensional as possible, and as was appropriate to the time, to question the supremacy of the "art object" and the temporal in art. The evolution of LeWitt's Wall Drawings over the past twenty-seven years have remained true to his "Paragraphs" while exploring geometric, planar, gestural, hard-edge, minimal, color, and sculptural forms.

Installed by a collaborative draftsperson, LeWitt's drawings are now realized according to a sketch, departing from his earlier descriptions, for instance:

WD 578. A wall is divided (at the discretion of the draftsman)
vertically into six unequal parts. Within each part, color ink
washes superimposed. The wall is bordered with an 8" (20 cm) band.

From his sketch, the draftsperson follows the concept of LeWitt as the work is installed. The breadth and scope of the Wall Drawings, and the frequency with which they may be exhibited is about disseminating the idea, so that the idea (that which cannot be owned) may be understood.

According to curator Ulrich Loock in his "Sol LeWitt Wall Drawings 1984-1992" catalogue from the Kunsthalle in Bern, "With a few exceptions, the Wall Drawings have always been conceived as autonomous and hermetical, as exemplary representatives of 'art,' of nothing but art, which as such is a matter of ideas. At the same time, the concept of a Wall Drawing implies its own non-exclusivity by introducing--on the perceptual level--the wall, part of that 'reality' that is not art: the concept of the Wall Drawings brings about an interweaving of that which is mutually exclusive."

For further information please contact Stuart Regen or Shaun Caley at the gallery (310) 276-5424. We look forward to seeing you during the exhibition.