Installation view of Stars Don’t Stand Still in the Sky: A Tribute to Lawrence Weiner, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, September 15 – October 22, 2022. Photo: Evan Bedford⁠

Stars Don’t Stand Still in the Sky: A Tribute to Lawrence Weiner is the subject of three recent reviews. For the LA Weekly, Shana Nys Dambrot reviews the show in "Writings on the Wall: A Tribute to Lawrence Weiner at Regen Projects," which appears online and in the paper's September 23 – 28 print issue. Hannah Bhuiya spotlights the exhibition in her September 22 review for Flaunt, "Lawrence Weiner | Stars Don't Stand Still in the Sky Tribute." For Ocula Magazine, Nicholas Nauman surveys Weiner's outsized impact on Conceptual art—and visual culture as a whole—in "Lawrence Weiner's Cross-Generational Tribute in L.A. Distills to a 'Portrait.'"